Institute of Agro-food Standards and Testing Technology

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The Institute of Agro-food Standard and Testing Technology (ASTT) was inaugurated in April, 2006. The institute mainly focuses on quality and safety research and inspection of agricultural products. There are seven authorized platforms in the institute, including (1) Shanghai Center for Agro-food Quality and Safety Risk Assessment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA), China, (2) Shanghai Supervision and Testing Center for Edible Fungi Quality, MARA, (3)Shanghai Center for New Plant Species Testing, MARA, (4)Shanghai Engineering Research Center for Agro-food Quality and Safety, (5)Shanghai Feed Quality Supervision and Testing Station, (6) Research and Assessment Center of Pesticide Safety, Shanghai Academy of Agriculture Science, (7)Shanghai Public Service Platform for Evaluation of Agro-food Quality and Safety.

ASTT is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to conduct pesticide residue testing for registration and evaluate availability of new feeds or feed additives. It is also certified by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment and Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision to provide testing service for the public.

The institute's major research strengths are in the fields listed as follows:

1.       Risk assessment of agro-food hazards

1)      Identification of the harmful factors

2)      Targeted and untargeted analysis of harmful factors

3)      Monitoring and exposure assessment of harmful factors

4)      Evaluation of nutritional functions of agro-food

2.       Safety evaluation of chemical pollutants

1)      Safety evaluation of pesticide residues

2)      Safety evaluation of persistent organic pollutants

3)      Research on agricultural habitat environment

3.       Safety evaluation of microbial pollutants

1)      Microbiological research

2)      Mycotoxin research

3)      DUS test

The institute now has well balanced and highly qualified research teams. The research teams are listed as follows:

  • DUS Testing Team

Interested AreasPlant genomics, Germplasm evaluation and preservation, New plant variety DUS testing

ContactProf. Chu Yun-xia; E-mail:


  • Assessment of Harmful Bacteria in Agro-products Team

Interested AreasStress resistance mechanisms and monitoring evaluation of food-borne pathogens; Migration mechanisms of antibiotic resistant bacteria; Rapid inspection technologies for food-borne harmful microorganisms; Occurrence mechanisms and control technology of spoilage bacteria in agri-products.

Contact: Dr. Shao Yi;E-mail:


  • Pesticide Safety Evaluation Research Center Team

Interested Areas Analysis of esticide residues, Environmental degradation of pesticides, Risk assessment, Plant growth regulator

ContactProf. Wang Weimin; E-mail:


  • Mycotoxin Research Team

Interested Areas: Mycotoxin, Toxicological evaluation, Preparation of reference materials, Analysis and risk assessment

Contact: Prof. Han Zheng; Email:


  • Environmental Pollutant Assessment and Origin Traceability Team

Interested Areas Detection methods, Transformation, Toxicological and exposure assessment, Remediation and control, Geographical origin traceability.

ContactProf. Song Weiguo; E-mail:



