University of Tolima Visited SAAS

CopyFrom:科研管理处 PublishTime:2024-04-29 16:02:55 Hits: 【Font:Small large

The delegation of the University of Tolima, Colombia visited SAAS on the afternoon of April 26th. Vice president Zhao Zhihui received the guests and expressed warm welcome to the delegation of Colombia. The meeting was chaired by Yang Juan, deputy director of the research management division.


Vice president Zhao mentioned that our academy covers ten disciplines including innovation of grain and oil crops germplasm, smart agriculture, and quality and safety of agro-products. He hoped that we could exchange ideas, share experiences, and identify excellent cooperation opportunities through this meeting.

Fabiano Numpaque, director of the office of international and institutional affairs, University of Tolima, introduced the climate, agricultural characteristics, and the research areas of the University of Tolima. He highlighted that the university is in the tropics, focusing on the cultivation of crops like bananas, avocados, cocoa beans, and coffee beans, as well as research on fruit and vegetable cultivation and preservation techniques under high-temperature and high-humidity conditions.

Three experts from our academy delivered detailed presentations on smart agriculture, facility-based fruit and vegetable cultivation, and agro-product preservation and processing technology. Following the discussion, both sides agreed to further explore and deepen cooperation in these three research fields, aiming to advance in-depth agricultural cooperation between China and Colombia.


