Wageningen Food Safety Research and Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute visited SAAS

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Dr. Liu Cheng from Wageningen Food Safety Research, Netherlands and Researcher Wu Ziping from Agri-Food and Biosciences, North Ireland came to the Institute of Agro-food Standards and Testing Technology, SAAS for academic visit on March 7th, 2023. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Han Zheng. Scientists from the institute attended the meeting.

Prof. Han introduced the basic information and research directions of the institute. Dr. Liu made a brief introduction of Wageningen University and Wageningen Food Safety Research: the university mainly engaged in the field of life sciences and has close relationship and cooperation with Chinese organizations. He introduced the concept of food safety of Wageningen University: "Safe by design. If it's not safe, it's not food. Feed is food". Researcher Wu put forward suggestions on the project application, emphasizing that data is vital in the scientific research.

The exchange meeting has deepened the relationship of Wageningen University, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute and SAAS and increased potential of our future cooperation.



