Young Scientist from NMRI, Vietnam Visited SAAS

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Tran Quang Dieu, scientist of national maize research institute of Vietnam (NMRI), would carry out a one-year international cooperation project at CIMMYT-China Specialty Maize Research Center of the Crop Breeding and Cultivation Research Institute, SAAS starting from September 30, 2021. The Belt & Road project is sponsored by the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology. 

During Tran’s stay, he would assist us to jointly establish screening protocol and identify fresh maize germplasm for resistance to ear rot. Tran has been working at the maize breeding department at the institute as junior maize breeder since July 2011. His research fields include precision phenotyping for drought and salinity tolerance, evaluation of genetic diversity of germplasm, implementation of demonstrations and other field works. In addition, he has hosted/participated in 4 international cooperation projects and developed and bred two new hybrid maize varieties ( VS36 and VS71 )as a co-breeder as well.


