SAAS Experts Participated in the FAO Project Launch Meeting
In the process of promoting ecological construction in Chongming District in recent years, the certification rate of green food in the whole district has reached 70%. Beginning in 2018, the “chemical-fertilizer-free and chemical-pesticide-free rice” industry chain model was tested, which was leading the construction of high-quality agricultural products brands in the Chongming. “Technology Integration and Demonstration Project of Chemical-Fertilizer-Free and Chemical-Pesticide-Free Rice in Chongming, Shanghai ” was officially supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Technical Cooperation Project.
On May 29th, the launch meeting of the “Technology Integration and Demonstration Project of Chemical-Fertilizer-Free and Chemical-Pesticide-Free Rice in Chongming, Shanghai” from FAO was held in Chongming. Vincent Martin, FAO Representative in China, Bo Zhou, Agricultural Officer of FAO, Asia-Pacific Regional Office, Zhaozhong Wu, Deputy District Mayor of Chongming, Min Zhu, Director of the Industrial Development Division of Shanghai Municipal Agricultural Commission attended the meeting. Deputy Director Biao Shi of Administration Division of SAAS and Liming Cao, Director of the Crop Breeding & Cultivation Research Institute, SAAS was invited to the event. The expert group visited Wanhe Cooperative, green farmer service shop and Chunrun Rice Breeding Base. Dr. Bo Zhou and Prof. Liming Cao introduced the background and overall design of the technical cooperation project on behalf of international and domestic experts.